Friday, December 28, 2012

The Seperation of Church and State.

Socialism and communism enacted through governments rather than voluntary means are best defined by central planning and central funding through aquisition of capital by force ... which is nothing new to both the progressive and conservative movement. The US government consisting of Republicans and Democrats constantly pass legislation without the interest of the citizen while ramping up welfare and warfare spending. Dependency on government constantly grows as we allow the further accumulation of power into the hands of the political elite. If the progressive movement actually cared about the wealth inequality of the 1% then the first people on their verbal lynch list would be the politicians who cater to these special interests within their own party. Remember when our so called 'liberal' citizens opposed military occupation and war under President Bush? Ironic how they voted for Obama again amidst his warfare policies which were no more 'liberal' than Bush during his first term. As for his second term, Syria here we come?

When it comes to the articles we've seen on gun control, Thomas Sowell shows once again that statistics provided by the anti-gun community are indeed cherry picked half-truths only swallowed as complete truths. The majority of these people heavily support the nanny state as the prime solution to not just problems of violence, but to all problems under the sun. Anyone who declares the liberal left of America as a non-religious institution needs to only be reminded of their dogmatic belief in the states ability to solve a problem. What was the bi-partisan solution to the recession going into 2008? Bailouts and Stimulus. More Neo-Keynesian policy from our overlords that acts as a modern-day religion from a self-selected holy book of thought. Another recession looms over our heads inching closer and closer while our nation puts blind faith into government to fix the very problems their policies not only created but perpetuated into larger problems.

Does it come as a surprise to anyone that the dogmatic left compares the United States to the small countries they wish us to resemble; completely forgetting about the differences of American social history and our constitution? When will we see the anti-gun community comparing us to Mexico? Britain always seems to be the liberals country of choice in almost every aspect on what they wish America to model. It's their faith of government intervention which makes the British system their patron saint. On my facebook I saw a post from a girl which said "Gun Control is the only way!". It certainly is to the ignoramouses of society who wish to continue down the path we're on which allows government to further impede personal freedom for more bureaucratic power.

If the issue of gun control was actually a safety concern to the anti-gun community in our nation, they would first advocate our government disarmament to a lower standard than your average citizen before any new legislation was promoted. Simply for history continuously revealing that the most gun-violent institution on the face of this earth has without a question of a doubt been the institutions of government. The body counts totalled worldwide from civilian shootings is a drop in a bucket compared to the body count tally of government institutions. Logic points that if we pass gun-control we as citizens of this nation should enact it first upon our government before the very thought of imposing further restrictions on our neighbors.

Say something passes, do the waves of regulations restricting a citizens firearm snowball from its prior precedent once there's another mass shooting? Am I suppose to have the same religious faith as my liberal friends in the benevolency of the State continuing the regulation process for our collective best interest? That our government which has become the church of the left is somehow different from all the other churches that went wrong within the last century alone? Our state currently: continues the war on drugs, shows its fiscal irresponsibility at every turn, lies about its pre-election intentions (Gitmo anyone?), appoints corporate and political puppets into cabinet and positions of power, inflicts casualties on innocent women and children overseas, and our current leader is an official peace prize winner. If our leader is considered a peace prize winner then either peace prize awards have declined inversely related to the rise of 1oz of 'Au' since the start of Bush's second term through the end of Obama's first term, or this has become the 'standard' of a peaceful leader when it comes to our state, the same leaders running the 'church' our liberal left wants us to put more faith into.

Now what I am about to say the liberal left has proclaimed constantly and I agree with them. Even so far as to agree that these words are so important to American policy it's time they apply it to their own dogmatic beliefs. Americans need to demand that everyone, not just christian Republicans but also the liberal left, be held to the same standards regarding the issue known best as 'The Seperation of Church and State.'

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