Sunday, January 13, 2013

'Idle No More' and 'The White Man'

From a perspective of an American White Male I believe 'Idle No More' would gain more support from the 'white man' by addressing the word 'white man'. When us white people hear that term we feel targeted for the blame of the past. This isn't new, we've heard it from the communities of minorities in the media while the majority of white people have nothing to do with anything. Unfortunately this has taught many common people to hit the 'turn off switch' to these type of movements due to knowing that they fall under the term. For they are conditioned to believe that these movments imply blame upon them.

You must clarify that it was GOVERNMENT that mistreated the natives and moved them off their land. If you were to use the term 'White Man' today you would label a huge chunk of society that knows only family, sports, work, and friends. The same things everyone else, no matter what ethnicitiy, is involved in. We must administer that the term has a different meaning now than it did when the Europeans first arrived. Perhaps one of the Native leaders on here could write an essay on how the term 'White Man' meant something entirely different in the past, that it had nothing to do with blame or prejudice. Spread the word that many 'White Man'(Europeans in the Americas) and Natives were friends until Governments started encroaching the land without permission. Reconcile with your neighbors and let them know they are friends just as they were when they arrived, not targets for blame which the media has constantly conditioned everyone to think we are. Unite everyone against the authority that strips the liberty from people of all backgrounds. Unite them against the conditioned mentality that they are somehow to blame.

If there is hate and blame in the hearts of Natives for the 'White Man' just because people today share the same color skin as the people under government rule who were told to excommunicate the tribes off of their lands, the people will not side with them. There is blame to be put, but it's not with the common people that associates themselves with the term 'White Man'. It's with the authority of rule that even they live under. Direct this blame correctly and you will have the power of over 100,000 men drawing back the bow of justice sending the arrow of your movement nearly unstoppable.

Orginize a tactic so that you can win the hearts and minds of everyone through common brotherhood. A tactic that will mend the hearts of Natives. A tactic of eradicating the conditioning of the term 'White Man' to be associated with prejudice and racism. A tactic of uniting everyone and showing where the true blame deserves to be; not with the 'White Man', but with government authority that violates these treaties. Here in America it is the same authority that imprisons people illegaly, dismantles the constitution, and chooses winners and losers in what is supposed to be a free market. The 'White Man' too is anxious for justice.

Distinguish the principle of how the term 'White Man' isn't synonymous with Government any more. Let your neighbors and those in your tribes be aware of this fact. You can wake up many of the 'White Man' if you distinguish to them as now being being synonymous with peace, equality, and friendship rather than the words they've been led to believe through social conditioning. If you can find a tactic to accomplish the erradication of the stigma surrounding the term 'White Man' and restore the meaning into something positive and constructive, then the massive amounts of 'White Man' will be Idle no more.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Enact the Representative Removal Act

Imagine if we held our politicians accountable to a higher standard rather than allowing them to wage partisan bill-drafting wars that sells the futures of unborn generations. Our debt problem would have been solved in a matter of seconds, not by choosing violence as the next resort, but by granting the citizen the power to remove political officials in the same way they were elected. I feel as a society of individuals, including the politicians, we have forgotten about the real dangers that allows misbehavior to continue with only the possibility of the voting-cycle to change the political status-quo. This imbalance of power has taken advantage of this nation long enough. It has allowed politicians to serve their terms regardless of direct violations of American principles, and regardless of citizen consent to their authoritative actions.

Who holds the politicians that vote on such measures accountable for their actions? Certainly not the people. Every politician who voted to send young men to their deaths in war paid no price of their own. The American politician is liability free outside the political domain during his or her term. When have political officials stepped down from citizen disapproval in recent history due to their actions in governance rather than scandals that are of no political concern? This has stemmed largely from the power the media holds over the people. Politicians can continue to vote upon the bombing of women and children, policies that bankrupt our nation, while voting against the very platforms used to win their seat in office; Lies only to get elected. If a politican is found sending a nude photo, or something of that extent, it will be the end of their political career through media hysteria. I say Americans put their morals in order and it's time we flip the script.

Deciding to take such action will be difficult when the media constantly promotes politicians as celebrities, as some politicians do indeed grow fond of, that the people, including the politicians thesmelves, feel they hold the utmost authority. However the prime displeasement of any intelligent person when it comes to the media-politician relationship is the sale of the idea that politicians are the chosen ones capable of solving national problems within their term limits. The citizens, who always take the brunt of the blow from political policy, must heed the call and act faster, less the dangers of partisan bickery, tied to the coffers of lobbyists, bury us in debt.

Our nation must respond faster than the election-cycle. If the politicans won't act in the peoples best wishes, it's time the people take action without the politicians best wishes. It's time for citizens to deem politicians as civil servants rather than the celebrities they are glamoured to be. It's time for citizens to have the ability to vote upon the removal of officials that comprise the Senate and the House at any given time. Politicians should be held accountable at all times for their actions in governing, not only through elction cycles when term limits expire, rather through a pro-active citizen base with the authority to remove their representative, constantly holding them accountable, to the standard in which they deem fit.