Friday, December 28, 2012

The Seperation of Church and State.

Socialism and communism enacted through governments rather than voluntary means are best defined by central planning and central funding through aquisition of capital by force ... which is nothing new to both the progressive and conservative movement. The US government consisting of Republicans and Democrats constantly pass legislation without the interest of the citizen while ramping up welfare and warfare spending. Dependency on government constantly grows as we allow the further accumulation of power into the hands of the political elite. If the progressive movement actually cared about the wealth inequality of the 1% then the first people on their verbal lynch list would be the politicians who cater to these special interests within their own party. Remember when our so called 'liberal' citizens opposed military occupation and war under President Bush? Ironic how they voted for Obama again amidst his warfare policies which were no more 'liberal' than Bush during his first term. As for his second term, Syria here we come?

When it comes to the articles we've seen on gun control, Thomas Sowell shows once again that statistics provided by the anti-gun community are indeed cherry picked half-truths only swallowed as complete truths. The majority of these people heavily support the nanny state as the prime solution to not just problems of violence, but to all problems under the sun. Anyone who declares the liberal left of America as a non-religious institution needs to only be reminded of their dogmatic belief in the states ability to solve a problem. What was the bi-partisan solution to the recession going into 2008? Bailouts and Stimulus. More Neo-Keynesian policy from our overlords that acts as a modern-day religion from a self-selected holy book of thought. Another recession looms over our heads inching closer and closer while our nation puts blind faith into government to fix the very problems their policies not only created but perpetuated into larger problems.

Does it come as a surprise to anyone that the dogmatic left compares the United States to the small countries they wish us to resemble; completely forgetting about the differences of American social history and our constitution? When will we see the anti-gun community comparing us to Mexico? Britain always seems to be the liberals country of choice in almost every aspect on what they wish America to model. It's their faith of government intervention which makes the British system their patron saint. On my facebook I saw a post from a girl which said "Gun Control is the only way!". It certainly is to the ignoramouses of society who wish to continue down the path we're on which allows government to further impede personal freedom for more bureaucratic power.

If the issue of gun control was actually a safety concern to the anti-gun community in our nation, they would first advocate our government disarmament to a lower standard than your average citizen before any new legislation was promoted. Simply for history continuously revealing that the most gun-violent institution on the face of this earth has without a question of a doubt been the institutions of government. The body counts totalled worldwide from civilian shootings is a drop in a bucket compared to the body count tally of government institutions. Logic points that if we pass gun-control we as citizens of this nation should enact it first upon our government before the very thought of imposing further restrictions on our neighbors.

Say something passes, do the waves of regulations restricting a citizens firearm snowball from its prior precedent once there's another mass shooting? Am I suppose to have the same religious faith as my liberal friends in the benevolency of the State continuing the regulation process for our collective best interest? That our government which has become the church of the left is somehow different from all the other churches that went wrong within the last century alone? Our state currently: continues the war on drugs, shows its fiscal irresponsibility at every turn, lies about its pre-election intentions (Gitmo anyone?), appoints corporate and political puppets into cabinet and positions of power, inflicts casualties on innocent women and children overseas, and our current leader is an official peace prize winner. If our leader is considered a peace prize winner then either peace prize awards have declined inversely related to the rise of 1oz of 'Au' since the start of Bush's second term through the end of Obama's first term, or this has become the 'standard' of a peaceful leader when it comes to our state, the same leaders running the 'church' our liberal left wants us to put more faith into.

Now what I am about to say the liberal left has proclaimed constantly and I agree with them. Even so far as to agree that these words are so important to American policy it's time they apply it to their own dogmatic beliefs. Americans need to demand that everyone, not just christian Republicans but also the liberal left, be held to the same standards regarding the issue known best as 'The Seperation of Church and State.'

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

People Praise Junk

Someone told me that one of the best opening scenes in any film was the table scene in 'Inglorious Bastards'. Do you consider that a great opening scene? From the top of my mind the opening scene of 'The Dark Knight' shows the unoriginality of the Inglorious Bastards opening blatantly as a glass of Merlot spilled on a white tuxedo.

In the film The Dark Knight, dialogue is shown through a course of events which pushes the story forward right off the bat. In Tarintinos scene our characters sit at a table with people underneath them. What many non-writers fail to see is that the latter scene is constructed from a Hitchcock writing tactic which is best described as 'Putting the bomb under the table'. Its direct approach of timidness will have many claim the dialogue is what allows the scene to classify itself as an exception to the rule when it comes to opening scene expectations. No, we already saw men sitting at a table not doing much in his earlier film Resevoir Dogs. That's right, could this be recycled at all? Tarintino wasn't even brave enough to be creative about it, he took the concept of this Hitchcock tactic for his film Inglorious Bastards word for word like a presidential election bumper sticker and managed to stretch it into the exitement of a Saturday's Noon-to-Six algebra lecture. Now let's compare the motionless opening from Inglorious Bastards to that of The Dark Knight.

The Dark Knight has the ball rolling instantly after some shots of skyscrapers establishing the city environment. Our plot begins to unfold through a series of events, an element of creativity is thrown in as the villains execute one after another to recieve a larger portion of the money pool until we remain with the last man standing. Abracadabra, like a prestige trick from David Copperfield, Ta-Da! The mask comes off and the Joker is revealed. The audiance is buckled in for the ride; captivated and instantly hooked.

What your general audiance seldom knows about the opening scene in The Dark Knight is that this too is another Hitchcock tactic. Remember the plane scene in 'North by Northwest'? The difference is the technique used wasn't so blatantly obvious. The Dark Knight opening scene was creatively written with an abundance of conflict that tied together organically to construct the films opening scene. Near the end of the scene we realize the man we had been watching in the mask was the Joker, he resembled the plane in North by Northwest all along!

Now back to the boring table scene. Do you remember it? It was nothing but men sitting at a table with many people beneath them that were hiding and hoping for freedom. I sometimes wonder if that opening scene would best be credited as a metaphor regarding the current state of affairs on the entertainment industry. Shoving all of the creativity into small confined spaces only to reign down with hellfire once the evil man at the table extorts what it wants from the artists willing to sacrifice their integrity. What ensues is unoriginality manufactured as ready-to-be-shipped final products.

As for the rest of the opening scene from Inglorious Bastards by Tarantino, its outcome is highly predictable which shows once more that the long drawn out dialogue serves as nothing but a 'new-era' style painting to his audiance. The mouth breathers stare upon such scenes and think it's mesmerizing but similar to those with the trained eye of an artist they can see what it truley is, a desperate coverup to pass the work off as artistic talent, or in this case more specifically, writing talent.

Monday, December 17, 2012

It's time we had a serious discussion on '_ _ _ Control'

Arguably the most conflicting situation that would arise between our Citizens and the State will be the day the State introduces encroaching regulations and declares what is best for a child over the will of their parents. We have seen the state meddling in similar affairs when abortions are allowed without parental consent or notification. We have also seen the State step in when social services declare a parent unfit to raise a child. Presuming the nature of our government, in that it's growing and taking upon more and more 'responsibilities' that inches towards a collectivist run society through the will of the voters rather than an individual society focused on preserving liberty, we must entertain the idea of the State pressing for further 'Kid Control' policy.

Kid Control, what will the future regulations consist of? Crime is riddled in low-income areas that depend on welfare which drastically increases the crime statistics of this nation. The State only encourages stagnant social mobility through their sub-par education system, subsidization of living standards, and monetary incentives to raise kids without a father. The collectivist attitute has not solved the poverty problem for the majority of those who have relied on such programs. The collectivist attitute has only spread the poverty problem. Social services are being drained because of the abundance of children to those whom cannot afford them.

China and their globally renown kind-hearted ways have enforced a one child per family policy unless the family is willing to pay for another child. Here in America it's quite the opposite, the middle-class that finds itself shafted by both the Republicans and Democrats gets to pay the state for the additional children of families who cannot afford them. Declaring once again that individualism is a thing of the past, libertarian ideology takes a back seat and the state steps in to feed a child whose parents cannot do it themselves. The child in essance is now an investment to society, and an investment to society which is paid for by the tax payers is deemed a 'public good' which defines the taxation as just.

Libertarian ideology claims that parents should have the free-will to have as many children as they like, though the tax-payer should not be forced into funding those children. Democrats generally believe that families should be able to have as many children as they like, and that the tax-payer should be forced into funding those children up to a certain standard of living.

Should we find out if the majority of the children who were raised by families that demanded government assistance to care for their children are living up to the expectations of a 'public good' from those who are supporting them? In other words, the expectations of the people of the State regardless of their economic knowledge and what it's like to live poor and the social mobility surrounding it? Regardless, I know many who are funding the public good and would like to start with some simple regulations for the upcoming debate on 'Kid Control' not just for poor families but for all families. China has 'Kid Control' and it's working for them, so we need to start having a serious discussion about it before it's too late.

1.) A child shall be aborted by age 18 if they are deemed mentally unstable through a mandatory psych evaluation each year.

2.) A child shall be aborted if they are under the age of 18 and are caught fathering or mothering another child. Mandatory DNA tests.

3.) A child shall be aborted if they engage in any sort of gun violence. This will drastically reduce gun crime to go along with all the regulations the Democrats are advocating for.

4.) Any child that is a coined a 'public good' to the State (one that is surviving off the welfare of the people) and found commiting a crime will be aborted and all of the other responsible families that are raising children that are deemed a 'public good' will have their benefits reduced instantly for the protection of society. This measure will be taken to prevent any future incidents.

This is clearly a Win-Win situation for the left. Abortion and Gun Control is without a doubt supported by the left though a Death Sentence isn't. But we must take into account the rights of the people of the state, a loophole is found when we realize it's their public good and their public good = their choice.

A heavy belief on state regulation impeding the rights of law abiding citizens is nothing new to both parties. People should now come together and have the courage to declare what is best for society over the will of their neighbor which will have us all leading the charge on 'Kid Control' in days to come.

I'm sure there are more regulations that will be implemented but this is just a start. We have taken similar measures on alcohol, drugs, drunk driving, guns, and now it's time to ensure the safety of all Americans through 'Kid Control'. As the State has been inching towards collectivism it's time we introduce this much needed legislation. As long as our two-party system believes in their inherant 'right' to tell others who to marry and what kinds of guns they can or can't own because of the actions of few who break the law, Kid Control will be a much needed debate. Our nation will greatly benefit through this legislation at the expense of a little liberty for the safety of those who believe in the State taking action over their fellow man.

Monday, December 10, 2012

As a Young Freshman

Freshman year my buddy and I almost shit ourselves laughing numerous times. Almost got kicked out of summer school for it too. Why were we laughing? The story wouldn't make sense to anyone, not even myself. But we were 14 and 15 during that time. We were young teenagers. The age between leaving the end of childhood (skateboards, magazines, pipedreams) and becoming a young adult, discovering yourself in an older world. We all went through something similar in Jr.High. We developed a strong friendship during 12 and 13 and now we had to go through the motions all over again at a new school.

The pressure weighed down on us when we became freshman so we stuck together like brothers. Joined the Football team like everybody else. I fell in love from a distance with a girl in one of my classes. I was always looking at her and trying to find an excuse to talk to her. Just trying to get those scraps that a Freshman can to feel visible to those around him.

Social groups were already forming and we didn't know what to do. But we both tried our best to keep our spirits up. If anyone had problems with him, they had problems with me. And vice-versa. Even made another brother from such display of loyalty. The laughter during these years was the best I'll ever have. Because the laughter then still had a flicker of the children we use to be combined with a mind that knew its juvenile rebelliousness was on its death bed. We laughed to burn what was remaining of that child fuel as much we could before a new school completely transformed us all over again.

We're still friends even though we are very different. We took seperate paths after Sophomore year. I was one of his only friends that visited him when he got locked up even though we hadn't talked much before then. Our friendship goes in spurts because such are things when you're older. I'm going to his moms house this Friday actually for his sisters birthday. I'm hoping he's there. It's like rewinding time when we hangout, except we're drinking beer and have our own stories now. Sometimes we even break out the skateboards searching for where those laughs escaped to. Hoping we'll find just one left inside, because just one would make all the difference.

If you look back at your friendships during these times and you aren't a little bit sad when thinking about it, then you missed out. Friendships like that are few and far between.

Gonna take a shot of whiskey for it.

Demise of Men

Frivolous endeavors for simple pleasures

I hope you feel you're going somewhere

All can find some delight in taking the ride to our... nevermind

Reason or truth you won't bear, nothing remains quite so clear

following the path your parents took, aren't they just so happy for you

Look at how they live and there you'll be in 30 more years

Conditoned to believe in their fears if not for a helping state beyond repair

Remaining so intwined is a structured life, one asks can I walk away?

So many Tangled-twisted in their vines, tightening themselves from an ancient time.

What a way to die men

What a way to die men

Look around you

What a way to die men

What a way to die men

It all surrounds you

So do you lead or follow men. Do you find reluctance in your picture perfect lifestyle?

Did you ever stop to question why? Did you ever think there's more to find?

You believed there wasn't more to this. No one ever told you so.

Manufactured thoughts march in line. Where did your souls go? Where did your souls go?

What a way to die men

What a way to die men

Look around you

What a way to die men

What a way to die men

It all surrounds you

Now send your kids to school. Just watch them march in line.

What do they really learn? Just watch them march in line.

The Government loves you.

Voting Red or Blue. Just watch them march in line.

What do they ever learn? Just watch them march in line.

The Government loves you.

Good little boys and girls. Just watch them march in line.

Learn from your parents kids. Just watch them march in line.

The Government loves you.

They're all dying men.

You're all dying men.

We're all dying men.

Demise of men.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Of Gods and Men

We are nothing but overgrown infants made out of flesh and blood. Steel cuts through us swifter than lightning through air. Think of all the other animals, life was made to be a struggle to survive so that our time is too occupied to master anything, even if we could live forever. The Gods were wise in creating obstacles and rules for the game of life. But that wasn't enough.

The Gods prove their wisdom once more, the highest form of it; humbleness regarding their own intelligence. Understanding the threats of unknowns and unpredictability. Our almighty Gods, ever so wise, didn't rule out the possibility of being imperfect. This is shown by their neccessary precautions when they created the relationship between time and life. Even the trees with the deepest roots shall perish.

Everything you can conjure in your mind shares a common trait with all that there is. The wisest demonstration of the gods was putting a kill switch in us all, and on a large enough time scale, includes the Universe itself. The Gods created it this way for only one reason - as insurance. A timeclock preset to destruction acting as a final barrier against any unknown or unpredictable miscalculations that may threaten their reign.

Our sun which burns ever so bright is not exempt. This too has a life-cycle. This heat allows life to be sustainable. Our atmosphere on this planet allows life to be sustainable. The combination of elements on the surface of this planet allow life to be sustainable. These chains of occurances must link together to cradle the fruits of life. The next nearest Star to us is
Proxima Centauri, distanced 4.2 light-years away. Perfection was taken by the Gods to tie up any loose ends.

As the Gods creation would allow it, life was birthed. From fish to insects, from birds to man. Yet on this Earth it is man alone that intrigues the Gods due to a miscalculation passed over which serves as our greatest strength. The Gods now glance fervently at the timeclock ticking down awaiting the destruction of the Universe. Even if we perish before the time runs out, the Gods will surely tie up the loose end before their next creation. For the Gods know man is constantly exploiting this strength in life. Every now and then, a man will exploit this strength beyond all expectation.

Our greatest strength isn't our numbers or weapons. History is littered with the bones of fallen empires which outnumbered their enemies. The greatest strength of man lies in the hearts of the inspired and determined. Life itself will either condition to break your heart down, or as the Gods didn't intend, with our hearts passion life will serve as a weight to be exercised forging us stronger. It is our hearts that allow us to be foolish, to be bold, to dream. It is our hearts that allow us to constantly disregard logical limits and thrash the rules set before us.

The Gods greatest miscalculation is mans biggest strength. Hearts that burn with inspiration and determination have become the greatest force in all the Universe. The Gods fear this force. Exploit that strength while you can! Nothing is so temporary as the breath you're taking now.

So when life throws you to the wolves will you make bed with where you fall? Or will your heart erupt with a fury of passion? Such eruptions send aftershocks felt throughout heavens. For the Gods tremble in our presence, men!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Man constructs a God

not for power or wealth

simply for reflection of himself

Thoughts of love, compassion, joy

Scars of anger, difference, violence

States and laws created

Their leaders to be praised

pointing out men in past before them

the ones who could not save

But here our new leader comes

Erect a monument in his name!

If the broadcasts say it, it must be so

Just listen to his resplendent speech!

Another promised paradise

elixir of the fool

fed to the squabblers

who feast at illusions trough

So adopt a god within, better nature she may be

A hope for paradise, outlandish it may seem

simply for understanding history

learning from the past

A paradise to be built?

Only by sheer cunning from a God

simply for knowing

that man can not

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Cellphones - The Anchor to Modern Society

Your battery is running low. What's the first thing on your mind? "Does anyone have a charger?" Or even worse, you carry a backup battery on you because your cellphone must always be active and ready. Thus you have become dependent by making sure your connections are never out of reach.... figuratively. How many people on your phone do you text weekly? Monthly? The numbers in your phone gather like dust, files to be used in the future should something happen. What about the numbers in your phone of people you haven't seen in over a year? Does having their number stored away in your anchor to modern society make you still feel 'connected' to them in the back of your mind even if you haven't spoken to them?

The Cellphone is now the largest dependency tool in the world. Children from all age ranges have it. Their parents justify this for 'safety' reasons yet the child flaunts it around like jewellery amongst peers and will sit down and lose themselves in the latest application rather than focusing on homework. Adults are constantly terrified to leave ther cellphone at home. What if someone calls me? What if it's important? What if I need to get a hold of someone?!

Imagine each day you have not left sight of your cellphone yet no one called you, your texts weren't that important, there wasn't any danger you thought there would be if you had left your phone at home.

The feeling of needing your cellphone by your side is addiction. Addiction to the anchor of modern society. This is your safety net, this is what keeps you grounded in what you believe to be a fast-paced technological lifestyle. The idea of something fun passing you by is too much to bear! Quick, where is my cellphone, I can't fathom the idea of boredom without internet access let alone a missed call or text!

Want to try a little exercise? Turn off your cellphone for two hours RIGHT NOW. That's right, you won't do it will you. The slight chance something important (in your mind) actually happening is too great of a chance to pass up to un-anchor yourself from society. As long as your cellphone is on, you are connected just like everyone else. Without it you might teeter off all on your lonesome. But the truth is that if you have to rely on this anchor in the addictive form (not being able to turn it off for a long period of time) then you are already alone.

Now we wonder why people pay these huge phone bills? Because the companies can charge that much and people won't walk away. People have become servants to their cellphone provider. Cellphones are such a crucial part in peoples lives that it seems the one that's coming out in a few months will be outdated by the end of the year. At the end of the day, even with your new phone, you still talk and text the same people. Oh the realization that your phone didn't make any new friends for you.

Your phone might even make you feel important just like all the other anchored down people who bought it. The same people who rush to buy the latest popular item of advertisment, the same people who think having 'fun' is defined by the entertainment industry, and the same people who pay for bottle service at a club where the owners are in the back laughing while their pockets get fat.

The market to sell vanity so people can stroke their image and seek approval amongst his or her peers is at an all time high. Not to mention everyone in that place brought their anchor along with them, for the sound or sight of a text message has become what they believe as the reassurance of their existence. Someone not forgotten about in the midst of everything. Now the owner of the club who's laughing at the vanity fools might need his cellphone, but even he probably doesn't need it as much as he thinks he does.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Our Journey

We have all drowned in our own contentment on various matters, especially the matter of which brings us to this gathering corner hidden somewhere amongst the lands, castles, refuges, and vast seas of cyberdom. For the younger generations our lives have been so affected by such technology compared to the generations of old. The generations of those who used a dictionary, a phonebook, and payphones. Our dependency on technology has made life easier for us, but has it specifically made your life better?

One can easily assume because of the increasing boom in technology and social networking that our lives have drastically improved. But where are we spiritually? How are our relationships? How are our expectations and our dopamine receptors thanks to instant gratification that constantly plagues every corner of every turn in our modern society?

Children these days are addicted to downloadable free applications on ipads and iphones. Adults are living vicariously through social networking sites and constantly seek approval not just at home but in cyberspace. Our society is shrinking thanks to the internet, and in many ways this is beneficial to realize we are all one. However when it prevents us from daily exercise, when it prevents us from finding where our true passions lie, when it prevents us from a positive attitude that was long replaced by a zombie like state that thrives off of dopamine... we lose the greatest gift we will ever have, our life right in this moment.

New Years will come and the gyms will be surged with inspired people ready to change their life. Though as we all know these people dwindle away much like the youth in the first few weeks of community college. Did they change their mind on what their goals were? Or did their goals become too tiresome, too energy demanding, or do they realize they are content with their 9-5 work lifestyle as long as they can come home to the media's illusion on what life is all about?

When was the last time you felt connected to nature? What was the longest time this last month you spent away from your cellphone? When was the last time you didn't try to fit into the mold of what 'you think' society expects from you? For many of us are dancing to the tune of instant gratification, vanity, and cultural expectations at the expense of this time we have now.

I wish to exit this lifestyle of technological dependency. I wish to dig deep within myself to weed out all of the social conditioning that this modern lifestyle has developed us to be. I wish to seek a personal revolution where technological dependency and instant gratification are minimized while productivity and the growing of oneself is maximized. I wish to have the courage to break free from the shackles of constant entertainment, to break free from our modern pop cultures idea of having 'fun', to break free from fitting into or avoiding stereotypes others might label me as.

The goal; exempt yourself from the manufactured life that seems to go down a conveyer belt which places you right in the middle of everyone else. Instead I want to replace it for one where we get off that conveyer belt and discover who we are so we can seek our own journey where the masses are't constantly surrounding us.

Taking the first step might seem difficult, especially when we have become so accustomed to technology and instant gratification. The biggest factor I believe that people are worried about is the fright of what they might discover. People are content with being told what to think, being told how to live, being told that they have nothing to worry about. This in retrospect is living the life of a caged animal whose soul has been so conditioned that the minute the shackles are released and a window of opportunity presents itself, the animal will be too afraid to leave the dependency it has known. It's comfortable in content.

Temporary satisfaction and entertainment fit into 'Lifes rewards and pleasures' category in your brain. But ask yourself, don't you think you deserve better? Isn't there more out there to discover? Time is ticking away and the more time you waste, the least likely it will be to break yourself free of the conditioning society has been placing upon you.